Bioinformatics and Structural Biology - Tools & Services   French version النسخة الفرنسية Arabic version النسخة العربية

Dates: 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2009 - 2006 - 2005 - 2004 - 2003 - 2000 - 1999 - 1998 - 1997

See also:

  • 2020 - Abdelkrim Rachedi Mutations in the SARS-CoV-2 complete genome sequences from strains isolated in Blida province, Algeria. JNBGP 2020: Journees Nationales virtuelles de bioinformatique: Genomique et proteomique - USDB, October 09-10, 2020

    The contribution included the Viruses data Integration Database

  • 2019 - Abdellahi Ould Ahmed Salem & Abdelkrim Rachedi* Structural Targets Annotation Database - STAD & PR-Proteins selected targets. The International Conference on Biotechnology and Cancer, December 07-08, 2019

  • 2019 - Soumeya KHERIS, Mokhtar BENREGUIEG and Abdelkrim RACHEDI* Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance Investigation Database - BARID. International Bioinformatics Day, JIBioinfo2019, 05 Nov. 2019

  • 2018 - Abdellahi Ould Ahmed Salem, Mira Raimes, Aicha Bessaih, Mohamed Brahimi, Mohamed Amine Deghem, Mehdi Zein and Abdelkrim Rachedi* Structural & Functional Motifs in Metabolic Enzymes . A new set of Functional Motifs. 2eme Colloques International, Biosciences 2108 "Genie Enzymatique et Production de Metabolites", 28-29 October2018, Oran, Algeria
    -> See: - Abstract
    ->         - Conference Book: |.1.| or |.2.|

  • 2018 - A. Rachedi, A. Mohammedi and A. Boukhalfa A Phytoecological Database for Annotating Flora in Region of Maamora - Saida, Algeria. Proceedings: International Seminar On Medicinal Plants (SIPM . January 2018), page 23., 2018, Al-Oued, Algeria
    ->See: Abstract

  • 2017 - SALEM Abdellahi, RACHEDI Abdelkrim* Structural/Functional Motifs in the Enzymes of the Krebs Cycle, 1ER SEMINAIRE DE BIOINFORMATIQUE, April 04-06, 2017, Blida, Algeria.
    ->Explore: Citric Acid Cycle Binding Structural & Functional Motifs

  • 2015 - Abdelkrim Rachedi. STAD the Structural Targets Annotation Database, Proceedings of the 08th International Biocuration Conference, From Big Data to Big Discovery April 23-26, 2015, Beijing, China.
    ->Find in Biocuration 2015 book

  • 2014 - A Boukhalfa, A Mohammedi and A Rachedi An online Phytoecological Database and Exploration System for Flora in the region of Maamora, Saida., La Dynamique et la Valorisation des Ecocystemes Arides et Semi-arides dans un evironnement Changeant (DVEEC), Proceedings, page 59., 2014

  • 2013 - Abdelkrim Rachedi. STAD: Structural Targets Annotation Database, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Biology and Synchrotron Radiation, 8 - 11 September 2013, Humburg, Germany. ( A conference Report has been published in the Journal Synchrotron Radiation, Volume 21, Part 1, Pages 280-282 January 2014,
    ->Find in Journal Synchrotron Radiation)

  • 2013 - Abdelkrim Rachedi, Khuphukile Madida. NALD: Nucleic Acids and Ligands Database, Modeling Approaches and Algorithms for Advanced Computer Applications (Springer) 2013, 488: 329-336
    ->Find in SpringerLink

  • 2013 - Abdelkrim Rachedi. Vers une Base-de-donnees et System d'Exploitation en ligne de la Flore en Algerie ( La Journee Scientifique Sur l'Eau et l'Environnement, 30 Juin 2013, Universite Dr. Tahar Moulay,Saida, Algerie.

  • 2012 - Abdelkrim Rachedi and Wits University (Johannesburg) SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR USE IN MOLECULAR DRUG DESIGN, Patent publication (WO2012/12043), 13 Sept. 2012.
    ->Find in WIPO

  • 2012 - Abdelkrim Rachedi Bioinformatics in Diseases (like cancer, HIV, Malaria ... etc). International Seminar ' Cancer, Cellular Stress and Bioactive Substances' CSCSB, 23-24 September 2012 - Jijel, Algeria

  • 2011 - Abdelkrim Rachedi, Khuphukile Madida. NALD: Nucleic Acids and Ligands Database; Ligand Binding Motifs, Binding Classes & Disease Links, 2nd ISCB Africa ASBCB Conference on Bioinformatics, March 9-11, 2011 - CapeTown, South Africa.

  • 2011 - Abdelkrim Rachedi. Annotation of structural targets in SouthAfrica; the STAD database, 2nd ISCB Africa ASBCB Conference on Bioinformatics, March 9-11, 2011 - CapeTown, South Africa.

  • 2009 - Abdelkrim Rachedi. STAD: Structural Targets Annotation Database, Proceedings for the Second Southern African Bioinformatics Workshop, 11th - 12th, Johannesburg, October 2009 - Johannesburg, South Africa.

  • 2006 - Albeck S, .., Rachedi A SPINE bioinformatics and data-management aspects of high-throughput structural biology. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 2006 Oct.
    ->Find in PubMed

  • 2005 - (in relation to the SSFS system )
    Golovin A., Dimitropoulos D., Oldfield T., Rachedi A. and Henrick (2005) MSDsite: A Database Search and Retrieval System for the Analysis and Viewing of Bound Ligands and Active Sites. PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 58(1): 190-9.
    ->Find in PubMed

  • 2004 - A. Golovin, .., A. Rachedi et. al. E-MSD: an integrated data resource for bioinformatics, Nucleic Acids Research, 32 (Database issue), D211-D216, 2004.

  • 2003 - Boutselakis, .., Rachedi, A. et. al. E-MSD: The European Bioinformatics Institute Macromolecular Structure Database. Nucleic Acids Research, 31, 458-462, 2003.

  • 2000 - Abdelkrim Rachedi, Michael Rebhan and Hong Xue. GABAagent: a system for integrating data on GABA receptors. Bioinformatics. 2000 Apr;16(4):301-12.
    ->Find in PubMed

  • 1999 - Abdelkrim Rachedi, Michael Rebhan and Hong Xue. Internet-based Integrated Retrieval Information System for GABA receptors. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts. Vol.25, Part 2, page 1809, Oct. 1999 - Miami Beach, Florida, United States.

  • 1999 - Khoo ASB, Balraj P, Rachedi A, Chin CN, Volpi L. A novel complex mutation of the OTC (Ornithine Transcarbamylase) Gene in a Malaysian Pedigree. Human Mutation. 1999 Nov; 14(5): 448.

  • 1998 - Khoo ASB, Balraj P, Rachedi A, Volpi L., Chin CN. Clinical Correlation of a Novel Mutant Ornithine Transcarbamylase (OTCase) Homology Model. In Proceedings of the 10th National Biotechnology Seminar: Biotechnology towards the next millenium, pages 26-27. SIRIM Berhad, Malaysia, 27 & 28 October 1998.
    See link to the Proceedings:
    See also: Clinical Correlation of a Novel Mutant Ornithine Transcarbamylase (OTCase) Homology Model

  • 1998 - Khoo ASB, Balraj P, Rachedi A, Volpi L., Tan SK, Lim PKC, Chin CN. Molecular Genetic Investigations of a family with multiple early neonatal deaths. In Abstracts of the First Scientific Seminar of the National Institutes of Health, Ministry of Health, Malaysia: Research in the New Millenium, Page 45. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 30-31 October 1998.

  • 1997 - A. Rachedi, C.E. Sansom, C.R. Groom, J. Thillet, R. Griffin & A.J. Geddes. The Structure of Mouse Dihydrofolate Reductase in Ternary Complex with NADPH and the Lipophilic Antifolate, Methylbenzoprim. In Proceedings of the 9th National Biotechnology Seminar: Positioning National R & D in Biotechnology for Global Competitiveness, pages 96-102. Penang, Malaysia, 23-26 November 1997.
    See link to the Proceedings:

  • Dates: 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2009 - 2006 - 2005 - 2004 - 2003 - 2000 - 1999 - 1998 - 1997

    Timeline ...      
  • April 2017: CACFMS Structural/Functional Motifs In The Enzymes Of The Krebs Cycle, by the SBB group at UTM Univ., Saida, Algeria.   More...
  • September 2015: CUPID A new online under-developement system comes as a result of international collaboration project with Dept. of Cell and Molecular Biology, Uppsala University,Uppsala,Sweden.   More...
  • November 2014: FIMA A new online Phytoecological Database & Exploration System for Flora in the region of Maamora, Saida, created by the SBB group at UTM Univ., Saida, Algeria.   More...
  • September 2014: STAD updates; 2 new Targets by the SBB group at UTM Univ., Saida, Algeria.   More...
  • January 2014: DIRC a newly created bioinformatics service tool for creating database systems providing integrated data for a set of biology-related keywords.   More...
  • December 2013: STAD updates; 9 new 3D structures by UCT Univ., South Africa and 3 updated targets by UAE Univ., Morocco.   More...
  • November 2013: Neuro. updates; a new card module (5th), News card (RSS feed), has been added to the Neuro system”.    More...
  • September 2013: STAD updates; new structural targets    More...
  • August 2013: Neuro. system now provides a 4th card of search results called Videos card”.    More...
  • August 2013: STAD updates; 4 new 3D structures of the Amidase enzyme by the Strcutural Biology Group, UCT Univ., Capetown, South Africa.    More...
  • June 2013: Neuro. system now provides 3 cards of search results. These include “Integrated Data”, “Disease” and “Sites & Images” cards.    More...
  • May 2013: NALD Database & Methods published in Springer.    More...
  • April 2013: "Neuro." updates; a new bioinformatics resource    More...
  • February 2013: STAD updates; new structural targets    More...
  • September 2012: Patent publication (WO2012/12043) "SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR USE IN MOLECULAR DRUG DESIGN"    More...
  • February 2011: STAD the first and only African contributor to the PSI TargetTrack    More...
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    رغم الإنخفاض النسبي لأعداد الإصابة، لا يزال فيروس الإيبولا والمرض المرافق له يشكل خطرا على الصحة في إفريقيا والعلم أجمع...

    Posted by BioinformaticsTools on Wednesday, 10 June 2015
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    "فيما" أو FIMA هي قاعدة بيانات جديدة بقسم البيولوجيا، جامعة سعيدة، تشمل الغطاء النباتي البيئي Phytoecological وهي كذلك ن...

    Posted by BioinformaticsTools on Sunday, 29 March 2015
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    A new Phytoecological Database and Exploration system for “ Flora “ in the region of Maamora, Saida, Algeria. It is...

    Posted by BioinformaticsTools on Sunday, 29 March 2015
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    Student & Collaborative Research Projects ..

      Student and Collaborative Research Projects in Bioinformatics & Structural Biology

    Ongoing Research Projects

    IPPI: Interchain Protein-Protein Interactions

    Neuro: Integrating data on the Nervous System

    PSAcan: Prostate Cancer and PSA in Saida, Algeria

    Educational Services Education made easy for both lecturers and students. Educational Online Tools & Downloads Educational online and PC standalone tools.
    Tools, Databases & Services

    COVID-19 & Viruses Data Integration

    SARS-CoV-2 Variants, Genomes & Mutations Explorer

    Viruses Integration Database (Incl. SARS-CoV-2) Vr-β [6], [8]

    Bioinformatics Mobile Apps.

    FIMA Android vr 1.0 [4.1], [4.2]

    GABAagent Android vr 1.0 [6]

    Microbial Bioinformatics Research & Services

    BARID: Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance Investigation Database [7]

    Structural Bioinformatics Research & Services

    SSFS: Sequence, Structure and Function Server [1]

    STAD: Structural Targets Annotation Database [2.1], [2.2], [2.3],
    [2.4], [2.5], [2.6]
    - See also:

    NALD: Nucleic Acids and Ligands Database [3]

    Flora Annotation

    FIMA: Flora in Maamora, Saida, Algeria [4.1], [4.2]

    FINA: Flora in Algeria, Database [5]

    Data Intergation tools and databases

    DIRC: A system for creating data integrated databases and search tools for biology-related topics

    CUPID:Chaperone/Usher Pathway Identification Database

    GABAagent: A system for integrating data on GABA receptors [6]

    EblRsr: A resource system for integrating data on the Ebola Virus Disease and related topics.


    N2PR: Nucleic Acid Codes Translation to Proteins and Reverse

         1 2005: Golovin A., Dimitropoulos D., Oldfield T., Rachedi A. and Henrick "MSDsite: A Database Search and Retrieval System for the Analysis and Viewing of Bound Ligands and Active Sites. PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 58(1): 190-9 2005" << Find in PubMed

         8 2020: Abdelkrim Rachedi Mutations in the SARS-CoV-2 complete genome sequences from strains isolated in Blida province, Algeria. JNBGP 2020: Journees Nationales virtuelles de bioinformatique: Genomique et proteomique - USDB, October 09-10, 2020

         7 2019: Soumeya KHERIS, Mokhtar BENREGUIEG and Abdelkrim RACHEDI* Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance Investigation Database - BARID. International Bioinformatics Day, JIBioinfo2019, 05 Nov. 2019

      2.1 2019: Abdellahi Ould Ahmed Salem & Abdelkrim Rachedi*Structural Targets Annotation Database - STAD & PR-Proteins selected targets, The International Conference on Biotechnology and Cancer, December 07-08, 2019 - Oran, Algeria.->Find in Conference Book
      2.2 2015: Abdelkrim Rachedi. STAD the Structural Targets Annotation Database, Proceedings of the 08th International Biocuration Conference, From Big Data to Big Discovery, April 23-26,2015 - Beijing, China.
      2.3 2013: Abdelkrim Rachedi. STAD: Structural Targets Annotation Database, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Biology and Synchrotron Radiation, 8 - 11 September 2013, Humburg, Germany.
      (A conference Report has been published in the Journal Synchrotron Radiation, Volume 21, Part 1, Pages 280-282 January 2014 ->Find in Journal Synchrotron Radiation)
      2.4 2011: Abdelkrim Rachedi. Annotation of structural targets in South Africa; the STAD database, 2nd ISCB Africa ASBCB Conference on Bioinformatics, March 9-11, 2011 - CapeTown, South Africa.
      2.5 2009: Abdelkrim Rachedi. STAD: Structural Targets Annotation Database, Proceedings for the Second Southern African Bioinformatics Workshop, 11th - 12th, Johannesburg, October 2009 - Johannesburg, South Africa.
      2.6 2006: Albeck S, ..,Rachedi A. .., Henrick K. "SPINE bioinformatics and data-management aspects of high-throughput structural biology. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 2006
      ->Find in PubMed

         3 2013: Abdelkrim Rachedi, Khuphukile Madida. NALD: Nucleic Acids and Ligands Database, Modeling Approaches and Algorithms for Advanced Computer Applications (Springer) 2013, 488: 329-336
      ->Find in SpringerLink

      4.1 2018: A. Rachedi, A. Mohammedi and A. Boukhalfa, A Mohammedi A Phytoecological Database for Annotating Flora in Region of Maamora - Saida, Algeria. Proceedings: International Seminar On Medicinal Plants (SIPM . 2018), page 23., 2018
      4.2 2014: A Boukhalfa, A Mohammedi and A Rachedi. An online Phytoecological Database and Exploration System for Flora in the region of Maamora, Saida, La Dynamique et la Valorisation des Ecocystemes Arides et Semi-arides dans un evironnement Changeant (DVEEC), Proceedings, page 59., 2014

         5 2013: Abdelkrim Rachedi. Vers une Base-de-donnees et System d'Exploitation en ligne de la Flore en Algerie ( La Journee Scientifique Sur l'Eau et l'Environnement, 30 Juin 2013, Universite Dr. Tahar Moulay,Saida, Algerie.

         6 2000: Abdelkrim Rachedi, Michael Rebhan and Hong Xue. GABAagent: a system for integrating data on GABA receptors. Bioinformatics. 2000 Apr;16(4):301-12.
      ->Find in PubMed
    Contact: Dr. Abdelkrim Rachedi at - © 2011-2021