Data Integration Module
In PubMed:      " Euphorbia gnyoniana "
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Alfalfa Mob1-like proteins are involved in cell proliferation and are localized in the cell division plane during cytokinesis.
Experimental cell research. 2006 Apr;312(7):1050-64
Citterio S, Piatti S, Albertini E, Aina R, Varotto S, Barcaccia G.
Mps-one-binder (Mob) proteins play a crucial role in yeast cytokinesis. After cloning two Mob1-like genes, MsMob1-A and MsMob1-B from alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) we show that, although they are constitutively expressed in roots, stems, leaves, flowers and pods, their transcripts and proteins are mostly produced in actively proliferating tissues. A polyclonal antibody specifically raised against MsMob1 proteins was used for immunolocalization studies in synchronized root tip cells. The subcellular localization of MsMob1-like proteins is demonstrated to be cell cycle-regulated. Cytoplasmic localization is faint and diffused during G1 and S. It becomes concentrated in punctuate and fibrillar structures in G2 as well as M phase. At the stage of cytokinesis, the protein is found at the emerging cell plate marking the progressive formation of the septum. Mob1 proteins partially co-localize with microtubules structures functionally related to the spindles and important for cytokinesis in eukaryotic cells. The MsMob1 expression cannot rescue the lethality of the yeast mob1 mutant, suggesting that interaction of Mob1 proteins with their effectors may be species-specific. Localization of Mob1 proteins in the inner layer of the root cap indicates an additional function for this class of proteins in plants, which is likely related to the onset of programmed cell death.
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FIMA Data Integration Module is based on an expanded and improved version of the algorithm reported in the following reference.
Primary citation: Abdelkrim Rachedi et al., GABAagent: a system for integrating data on GABA receptors. Bioinformatics. 2000 Apr;16(4):301-12.